Smiling through the trauma

Abuse and neglect have far-reaching effects on a child. The trauma often leaves them scarred for life. But, to live through the abuse and neglect, and make it to the other side with a smile is remarkable. And, that is the story of, ten-year-old, Dana (not her real name).

Dana experienced severe sexual abuse and neglect at the hands of her biological parents. Thus, was removed from their care and brought into the Abraham Kriel Bambanani Langlaagte Campus in 2021.  Dana is described as a very energetic child who loves to play, has a soft spot for animals and is always smiling. “Therapy plays a very important role in our children’s lives and, at times, it can take a while to measure or see the impact of therapy, due to the severity of a child’s trauma. Dana and her siblings need long-term therapy but we are willing and are determined to make sure that they heal and become upstanding members of society”, says Darlene Cigarmony – Assistant Manager of the Langlaagte Campus.

Therapy is helping Dana to deal with her trauma and she has made great progress. Unfortunately, her circumstance caused her to fall behind at school and she has a lot of catching up to do.  Not being able to attend school and learn at the same pace as her peers is frustrating and one can often see a tear rolling past the beautiful smile that is always visible on her face.

Dana was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and needs one-on-one tutoring. If you want to be part of Dana’s healing process and Should you be able to assist with tutoring for Dana and/or other children, please contact us: 011 839 3058 or

Glimlag deur die trauma

Mishandeling en verwaarlosing het verreikende gevolge vir ‘n kind. Die trauma laat dikwels  letsels wat hulle altyd sal bybly. Om deur mishandeling en verwaarlosing te leef en met die herstel proses te worstel is moeilik, maar om met ‘n glimlag aan die anderkant uit te kom  is merkwaardig. En dit is die storie van, tienjarige, Dana (skuilnaam).

Dana het erge seksuele mishandeling en verwaarlosing aan die hande van haar biologiese ouers ervaar.  Gevolglik is sy uit hul sorg verwyder en in 2021 by die Abraham Kriel Bambanani Langlaagte-kampus opgeneem. Dana word beskryf as ‘n baie energieke kind wat lief is om te speel, ‘n sagte plekkie vir diere het en altyd glimlag. “Terapie speel ’n baie belangrike rol in ons kinders se helstelproses en dit kan soms ’n rukkie neem om die impak van terapie te meet of te sien.  Dana en haar broers en susters het langtermynterapie nodig, maar ons is gewillig en vasbeslote om seker te maak dat hulle gesond word en bydraende lede van die samelewing word”, sê Darlene Cigarmony – Assistent Bestuurder van die Langlaagte-kampus.

Terapie help Dana om haar trauma te verwerk en sy het al groot vordering gemaak. Dit is grootliks te danke aan haar positiewe uitkyk op die lewe.  Sy doen allles met oorgawe en ‘n groot glimlag.  Ongelukkig het haar omstandighede veroorsaak dat haar skoolwerk agterweë gelaat is.  Sy het BAIE akademie om in te haal. Dit is frustrerend om nie teen dieselfde pas as jou maats te kan leer en vorder nie.  Dikwels lei dié frustrasie tot tranerigheid en neem Dana se mooi glimlag weg.   Dana is gediagnoseer met aandagafleibare-hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring (ADHD) en benodig een-tot-een-onderrig. Indien jy deel wil wees van Dana se herstelproses en kan help met bystandsonderrig vir Dana en ander kinders, kontak ons ​​asseblief: 011 839 3058 of

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