Skills training redirected my life path
Bongani was a young college dropout and figured that education beyond matric was not for him. That was until he came across a Facebook post calling for people to apply for courses at the Emdeni Skills Development Centre (ESDC). He visited the centre the very next day to apply for the Tiling and Painting three-month course.
Bongani described the environment and atmosphere at the centre as “green”, positive and friendly. Filled with hope and possibilities. “I felt like this place was the beginning of a good thing for me” – Bongani describing his first day at the centre.
“While doing the Tiling and Painting course, I realised that I could improve my skill set by enrolling for the International Computer Driving License (ICDL) course – what a surprise, because I had no interest in learning about computers. “I have always associated computers with boring office jobs. Boy, did this course change my mind! I thoroughly enjoyed it. The facilitator was patient and he took us through course material with such ease and made it all understandable”, adds Bongani.
In August 2023, Bongani volunteered as a coordinator’s assistant at the centre. “It was challenging at first because I had no work experience. But, with the help of the training coordinator and the other staff members, I was able to work through the challenges. Today, I am an intern at the Centre, gaining much-needed experience. I will achieve great things in the future. It all starts with believing in yourself and making the right choices. Abraham Kriel Bambanani offered the support and guidance and the Emdeni Skills Development Centre was the right choice for me, says Bongani.
Vaardigheidsopleiding het my lewe verander
Bongani was ‘n jongman wat nie werklik gedrewe was om verder te studeer na matriek nie. Na ‘n paar mislukte pogings was hy gereed om finaal op te gee. ‘n Facebook-plasing met ‘n uitnodiging om aansoek te doen vir kursusse by die Emdeni Vaardigheidsontwikkelings Sentrum (ESDC), het belangstelling geprikkel. Hy het die sentrum die volgende dag besoek om aansoek te doen vir die Teël- en Verf-kursus.
Bongani het die omgewing en atmosfeer by die sentrum as “groen”, positief en vriendelik beskryf. Gevul met hoop en moontlikhede.
“Ek het gevoel dat hierdie plek die begin van ‘n goeie ding vir my was” – beskryf Bongani sy eerste dag by die sentrum.
“Terwyl ek die Teël- en Verf-kursus gedoen het, het ek besef dat ek my vaardighede kan verbeter deur vir die Internasionale Rekenaarbestuurslisensie-kursus (ICDL) in te skryf – wat ‘n verrassing, want ek het geen belangstelling in rekenaars gehad nie. Ek het altyd rekenaars met vervelige kantoortake geassosieer. Sjoe, het hierdie kursus my siening verander! Ek het dit terdeë geniet. Die fasiliteerder was geduldig en hy het ons so maklik deur kursusmateriaal geneem en dit alles verstaanbaar gemaak”, voeg Bongani by.
In Augustus 2023 het Bongani as ‘n Assistent koördineerder by die sentrum aangemeld. “Dit was aanvanklik uitdagend omdat ek geen werkservaring gehad het nie, maar met die hulp van die opleidingskoördineerder en die ander personeellede kon ek deur die uitdagings werk. Vandag is ek besig met my internskap by die Sentrum om ondervinding op te doen. Ek gaan nog groot dinge in die toekoms bereik. Dit begin alles deur net in jouself te glo en die regte keuses te maak. Abraham Kriel Bambanani het die ondersteuning en leiding gebied en die Emdeni Vaardigheidsontwikkelings Sentrum was die regte keuse vir my, sê Bongani.