Beeld-Kinderfonds has been one of our loyal and generous donors for many years
During a recent conversation with one of the girls in our Langlaagte Residential Care Programme, she spontaneously mentioned that her therapy session was the highlight of her day. Surprised at her enthusiastic reaction, I asked “Lindsay, so tell me a little bit more about your therapy session…” Expecting to hear how impactful it was and how it was going to change her life, her answer actually shocked me. “Auntie”, she said – “they make me LAUGH”
Nothing is as beautiful as the sound of a child’s laughter. Often traumatised children stop laughing; they stop being a child and live in constant fear of the cruel reality that consumes their childhood.
Children admitted into the care of Abraham Kriel Bambanani have been subjected to severe trauma, abuse and neglect. Holistic intensive therapy is the first step to recovery for these children.
More than 80 children in our Residential Care Programmes need intensive therapy.
As we navigate the current challenges and setbacks to secure funding for therapy for our children, Beeld-Kinderfonds has stepped in, and we are able to push forward and make more “broken” children “laugh”.
Beeld-Kinderfonds has been one of our loyal and generous donors for many years. With their support, 40 of our children at the Langlaagte campus have already started their therapeutic programme. Thanks to Beeld-Kinderfonds Lindsay can laugh again!
Beeld-Kinderfonds is al jare lank een van ons lojale donateurs
In ‘n onlangse gesprek met een van die meisies in ons Langlaagte Residensiële Sorgprogram het sy spontaan genoem dat haar terapiesessie die hoogtepunt van haar dag was. Verras oor haar entoesiastiese reaksie, het ek gevra “Lindsay, vertel my ‘n bietjie meer oor jou terapiesessie …” Met die verwagting om te hoor hoe impakvol dit was en hoe dit haar lewe gaan verander, het haar antwoord my eintlik geskok. “Tannie”, sê sy – “hulle laat my LAG”.
Niks is so mooi soos die geluid van ‘n kind se lag nie. Dikwels hou getraumatiseerde kinders op om te lag; hulle hou op om kind te wees en leef voortdurend in vrees vir die wrede werklikheid wat hul kinderjare verteer.
Kinders wat in die sorg van Abraham Kriel Bambanani opgeneem is, is aan erge trauma, mishandeling en verwaarlosing onderwerp. Holistiese intensiewe terapie is die eerste stap na herstel vir hierdie kinders.
Meer as 80 kinders in ons Residensiële Sorgprogramme benodig intensiewe terapie.
Terwyl ons die huidige uitdagings en terugslae navigeer om befondsing vir terapie vir ons kinders te verseker, het Beeld-Kinderfonds ingespring en is ons nou in staat om meer “gebroke” kinders te laat “lag”.
Beeld-Kinderfonds is al jare lank een van ons lojale donateurs. Met hul ondersteuning het 40 van ons kinders by die Langlaagte-kampus reeds hul terapeutiese program begin. Danksy Beeld-Kinderfonds kan Lindsay weer lag!