Abraham Kriel celebrates 120 years

Abraham Kriel began its journey on the 4th September 1902 with Rev Abraham Kriel opening the doors of the Langlaagte Orphanage, accommodating children orphaned in the South African war.

The history of the organisation took a number of turns over the years but the one constant throughout the years is definitely the celebrations on the first weekend of September.  Our Birthday Festival! An occasion where

  • we celebrate another year of existence,
  • reflect on another year filled with blessings and
  • an opportunity for all our beneficiaries to play, have fun and Laugh out Loud!!

For the past two years, we were not able to celebrate together.  The dark cloud of uncertainty and financial constraints that covered the planning of our 120th Birthday Festival had a silver lining – The Lord’s promise, our faith, and our loyal donors!!

Our beneficiaries needed a FESTIVAL, FREEDOM – we are not victims, but SURVIVORS!!!

We planned a fun-filled day with games, food, treats and gifts and our donors answered our call for help.

Donations for the celebration poured in! Goods, money and assistance on the day.  The beneficiaries participated in games and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to engage with each other.  Water and cool drinks were ready to quench their thirst and by 14:00 they were all ready to enjoy the boerewors rolls. What is a birthday celebration without cake!!! Thank you to our donor who ensured that all the celebrations were wrapped up with a piece of cake.

We want to thank everyone who was part of making this milestone of a birthday a huge success. Our corporate donors, individuals who donated, all volunteers who helped us on the day to ensure the children had tons of fun, tasty food and stayed hydrated through the obstacle courses. Thank you to every child in our care who attended the celebration.

YOU are all survivors. We are proud of YOU!

We honour our founder Reverend Abraham Kriel who had a vision and passion one hundred and twenty years ago. You saw the need and you acted on it.  Your legacy lives on through every child from Abraham Kriel Bambanani.

Thank you, Dear Donors for your continued support.

May the next 120 years be as fulfilling and life-changing.

Abraham Kriel vier 120 jare

Abraham Kriel is in die volksmond vandat ds Abraham Kriel  op 4 September 1902 die deure van die Langlaagte Weeshuis vir oorlog weeskinders oopgemaak het.

Die geskiedenis is ryk aan veranderings, maar die eerste naweek in September se verjaardagfees het konstant gebly.

Feesnaweek! Verjaardagfees!  ‘n Geleentheid

  • om nog ‘n jaar van oorlewing te vier,
  • om te peins oor nog ‘n jaar, propvol seëninge
  • vir ons kinders om te speel en te lag en pret te hê.

Die afgelope twee jaar het ons nie fees gevier nie.  Die donkerwolk van finansies rondom vanjaar se verjaardagfees,  het vinnig ‘n silwer randjie gekry.  God se belofte, ons geloof en dierbare donateurs maak weer ‘n verjaardag moontlik.

Ons kinders het gesmag na feesvier en  vryheid – hulle is nie slagoffers nie, hulle is OORWINNAARS!

‘n Pretdag met speletjies, eetgoed, bederfgoed en selfs geskenkies is beplan.

En DONATEURS bied ‘n fees!

Donasies vir feestelikheid stroom in!  Produkte, geld en hulp vir die dag …

Die kinders het almal deelgeneem aan die speletjies, maar die ontmoeting tussen kinders van verskillende programme was kosbaar om te aanskou.  Water en koeldranke het die dors geles en teen 14:00 is boereworsrolle verorber.  Wat is ‘n verjaarsdag sonder koek dan?  ‘n Dierbare korporatiewe donateur het die kersie op die koek gesit met genoeg koek vir al ons soet tande.

Dankie aan IEDEREEN wat hierdie spesiale Verjaardag ‘n reuse sukses gemaak het.

Korporatiewe donateurs, individuele donateurs, vrywilligers en helpers, het almal bygedrae tot pret, lekker kos en genoeg water om kinders veilig te laat speel.  Dankie aan elke kind in ons sorg wat gelag, gespeel en met oorgawe gekuier het.

JULLE is OORWINNAARS!!!  Ons is regtig baie trots op JULLE!

Alle eer aan die stigtersvader, ds Abraham Kriel.  ‘n Man met ‘n visie en passie wat 120 jaar gelede kinders in nood begin versorg het.  Sy nalatenskap vergestalt in elke kind van Abraham Kriel Bambanani.

Dankie Dankie Dankie Donateurs!

Mag die volgende 120 jaar net so vervullend en lewensverrykend wees.

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