Remember baby Lunathi?
The underweight, malnourished baby boy who was brought into the Maria Kloppers Campus due to neglect by his parents. His tiny hands and feet were rat food and he needed extensive occupational therapy and medical care to help him heal (Read his story here).
Well… he’s two years old and progressing well. “Lunathi needed serious occupational therapy to help him with his development milestones. He was very scared of people and it took many sessions and interventions to get to where he is today. He is bubbly, opens up to people and likes singing” – Pheli Baduza, Maria Kloppers Campus manager.
Lunathi has had occupational therapy since 2022 and has 2 sessions per month. He is running and walking but we are still struggling with his weight. He currently weighs 9.6 kg and his dietician has given us a goal – to get him to at least 10 kg. To reach this goal, we need help with his supplements. If you can assist, please contact Pheli on 011 648 1394 or
Onthou julle nog vir baba Lunathi?
Die ondergewig, ondervoede babaseuntjie wat weens verwaarlosing deur sy ouers by die Maria Kloppers kampus opgeneem is? Sy klein handjies en voetjies was rotkos en hy het uitgebreide arbeidsterapie en mediese sorg nodig gehad om hom te help genees (Lees sy storie hier).
Wel … hy is twee jaar oud en vorder goed. “Lunathi het intensiewe arbeidsterapie nodig gehad om hom met sy ontwikkelingsmylpale te help. Hy was baie bang vir mense en dit het baie sessies en intervensies geverg om te kom waar hy vandag is. Hy is ‘n borrelende peuter wat spontaan toenadering soek en hou van sing” – Pheli Baduza, Maria Kloppers-kampusbestuurder.
Lunathi ontvang sedert 2022 ten minste 2 sessies arbeidsterapie per maand. Hy is baie aktief en hardloop graag, maar ons sukkel nog met sy gewig. Hy weeg tans 9,6 kg en sy dieetkundige het vir ons ‘n doelwit van 10kg gestel. Om hierdie doel te bereik, het ons hulp nodig met sy aanvullings. Indien jy kan help, kontak asseblief vir Pheli by 011 648 1394 of