Emdeni Skills Development Centre Graduation

We will never completely know and understand the hardship of our students, but at the Emdeni Skills Development Centre graduation, we only saw BIG SMILES, HAPPINESS and BEAUTIFUL PROUD people. They did not only receive a certificate and a skill but have also overcome great obstacles, unknown to the many attendees at the beautiful graduation ceremony held on the 1st March 2024.

We celebrated the tremendous achievement of 107 students who obtained certificates for completing their training in the following courses, Agriculture (7), Assistant Chef (35), ICDL Computer Training (51), Business Administration (8) and Tiling and Painting (7). Congratulations to all the students who attended, applied discipline and persevered to finish their course.

Twenty of the graduates managed to secure full-time employment after completing their course and others will further their studies or start their own businesses. We are keeping an eye on your future endeavors, wishing you all the best for the future.

These great achievements serve as motivation for Abraham Kriel Bambanani to continue to upskill and uplift the youth of Emdeni and making a difference in their lives.

Gradeplegtigheid – Emdeni vaardigheidsontwikkelings sentrum

Alhoewel ons nooit die omvang van ons studente se swaarkry en moeilike omstandighede ten volle sal verstaan en begryp nie, was daar net GROOT GLIMLAGTE, GELUK en PRAGTIGE TROTSE mense by die Emdeni-vaardigheidsontwikkelingsentrum se gradeplegtigheid te sien.

Hulle het nie net ‘n sertifikaat en ‘n vaardigheid bekom nie, maar sommige het ook reuse struikelblokke oorkom, wat onbekend was aan die gaste wat die pragtige funksie op 1 Maart 2024 bygewoon het.

Ons het die prestasie van 107 studente gevier. Hulle het ondermeer sertifikate verwerf vir die suksesvolle voltooiing van hul opleiding in die volgende kursusse, Landbou (7), Assistent Sjef (35), ICDL Rekenaaropleiding (51), Besigheidsadministrasie (8) en Teël- en Verfwerk (7).  Baie geluk aan al die studente wat pligsgetrou opgedaag en ywerig geleer het, dissipline toegepas het en volhard het om hul kursus te voltooi.

Twintig van die gegradueerdes het daarin geslaag om ‘n voltydse werk te kry nadat hulle hul kursus voltooi het en ander sal verder studeer of hul eie besighede begin. Ons is baie trots op julle en wens julle alles van die beste toe vir die toekoms.

Hierdie prestasies dien as motivering vir Abraham Kriel Bambanani om voort te gaan om die jeug  (jong volwassenes) op te hef en ‘n verskil in hul en dié van hulle families se lewens te maak.

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